Dividing Land into Parts by Agreement

Dividing Land into Parts by Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

Dividing land is a common practice that occurs for various reasons. Whether it’s a family inheritance, land sale, or development, dividing land into parts can be a complicated process. The process can become even more complicated when multiple parties are involved. Fortunately, dividing land into parts by agreement is a legal option that allows parties to settle land division issues amicably. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you understand how to divide land into parts by agreement.

What is Dividing Land by Agreement?

Dividing land by agreement is a legal process in which two or more parties agree to divide land. The process involves creating a legal agreement detailing how the land will be divided, including who owns each portion, the boundary lines, and any restrictions or covenants. In most cases, dividing land into parts by agreement is a less expensive and less time-consuming option than going to court.

How to Divide Land by Agreement

1. Determine Ownership: Before dividing land, it`s essential to determine ownership. If the parties involved are unsure of ownership, they can hire a surveyor to conduct a survey to determine the boundaries and ownership.

2. Agree on Division Terms: The parties should agree on the terms of the division, including the number of parts, property lines, and any restrictions or covenants. For instance, if the land is being divided into two parts, the parties should agree on the exact area of each part and the boundary lines.

3. Create a Legal Agreement: After agreeing on the terms, the parties should create a legal agreement that outlines the division terms. The agreement should be signed by all parties involved.

4. File the Agreement: Once the agreement is signed, the parties should file it with the local land registry office. This will ensure that the division is legally recognized and enforceable.

Benefits of Dividing Land by Agreement

1. Cost-Effective: Dividing land by agreement is a cost-effective option compared to going to court, where legal fees can be staggering.

2. Expedited Process: Dividing land by agreement is usually faster than going to court, which can drag on for months or even years.

3. Customizable: Dividing land by agreement allows the parties involved to customize the division terms to suit their specific needs.

4. Amicable Resolution: Dividing land by agreement allows parties to reach an amicable resolution to the division issue, thereby avoiding potential conflicts.


Dividing land into parts by agreement is a legal option that allows parties to settle land division issues amicably. It`s a cost-effective, expedited, and customizable process that can save parties time and money. While dividing land by agreement is a straightforward process, it`s essential to consult a legal expert to ensure that the process is legally binding and enforceable.

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